Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Nursing Home Ministry

This is another ministry spotlight article. Clayton Garrow, a student at Boyce College, has started this vibrant ministry to the elderly and disabled at Signature Health Care, South Louisville. He, and a few other young New Heights men have been regularly preaching there, sharing the essential Gospel of Jesus Christ. Clayton has written his own view of this ministry.

For the past two months, New Heights Baptist Church has been able to go to Signature Health Care of South Louisville to conduct church services on the first and third Sunday of each month. The services begin at 2:30 p.m. and consist of singing hymns, praying, and preaching.

It has been a continued joy to be at the Care Center, as there are brethren there that we are able to serve, and residents who are outside of Christ, without hope and without God in this world. Through personal room visits during the week I have been able to share gospel truth with many of the residents. The Lord has provided opportunity to speak of the necessity of Scripture, and that all of our thoughts about the very character of God must be rooted and grounded in the Scriptures that God has given. The Lord has provided opportunity to share from the Scriptures the natural state of all of creation apart from the saving grace of God. What a joy it is to have opportunity to share God's grace!

There has not only been great joy and humility in sharing the very words of God with those outside of Christ, but there has been great joy in serving the brethren who are residents of the Care Center. One example is a man named Mr. Davis. We have had great fellowship with his wife and him as Mr. Davis was at the Care Center seeking to regain physical strength. One evening I stopped by his room and for nearly forty-five minutes we read through the Scriptures together, talked of salvation being all of grace, spoke of John Newton's hymn “Amazing Grace”, and prayed together. There are many such examples that could be given like this from those of us who have been serving at the Care Center.

Our motivation for continued service is that Jesus Christ has died in our place. We desire that He receive glory and honor as we seek to walk in obedience to His commands, sharing the gospel with men and women that they might hear the word of Christ and be saved.

Amen, Clayton. Thank you for your devoted service to these oft-forgotten people and to our church. Let us all remember to pray for God's continued blessing over and provision for his Word.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Looking for A Few Good Men (and Women)

New Heights Baptist Church is a small church in the Auburndale community of South Louisville. The community demographics call for reaching out to many different cultures and worldviews. Our church offers unique opportunities to serve the body of Christ by running projects, teaching, discipling, cleaning, serving tables, and evangelizing our community. We are also currently building bridges with several other South End Baptist churches.

We have a need for more believing men, women, couples, and families committed to building and caring for the body of Christ. Please join us in serving our community which is in deperate need of the Gospel. Join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30 or for Wednesday night fellowship and teaching at 5:30.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Food Pantry and Clothes Closet

This is a spotlight article. Every now and then we will take a look at a ministry within New Heights Church. Our food pantry and clothes closet ministries are both being run by David Wells. This ministry has already demonstrated a big impact on the local community.

David and his family have been taking in donations of non-perishable food items and clean, new and gently used clothing. The pantry and clothes closet are currently open every other Friday. These ministries present the opportunity to bring lost people into the church (a scary place for some) and meet their needs. David and our pastor, Cody, share the Gospel with these people, most of whom are in need both physically and spiritually.

This is a great opportunity for our church members and believers from other local congregations to join in and serve South Louisville. It is essential that these people understand why we are feeding and clothing them. It is not because we are merely nice, not just because they are in need, and not because they deserve it. We do this because we believe Scripture, both Old and New Testaments command it. We give food and clothing to those who need it because Jesus has shown us grace. We, in turn, show grace to humanity in the name of Jesus. Thus his Gospel is the reason for all of our ministries.

We invite other Baptist believers to become involved in this significant ministry. We also invite those in need, here in South Louisville, to come to New Heights Baptist Church and be fed in the name of Jesus.

Monday, June 8, 2009


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